antique hourglass
antique hourglass

The Burgess Shale and its Place in Geological Time

Geological time is exceptionally hard to fathom. If you are like me, you probably have difficulty conceiving of a million years. The Earth is currently 4.543 billion years old. While this number is much smaller than the federal debt of most developed nations, it is still enormous. To help comprehend such large numbers we often resort to analogy. Below is a comparison of the age of the Earth to one standard 365-day calendar year. Each day represents about 12.45 million years. If you multiply 12.45 million years by 365 you will get 4.543 billion years – the age of the Earth. In this Geological Time – Calendar Date analogy the following significant events occur (Note that the lines in the following table may not display correctly on a tablet or mobile device):


Formation of planet Earth:

Late Heavy Meteor bombardment begins:

Oldest Rock, Acasta Gneiss:

Late Heavy Meteor bombardment ends:

Oldest Fossilized Evidence of Life:

Atmospheric oxygen becomes abundant:

Burgess Shale fauna appears:

First land plants:

Permian extinction:

First Dinosaurs:

Dinosaur Extinction (excluding birds):

Last common ancestor for humans and chimps:

Anatomically modern humans:

First written word (Cuneiform):

C. Columbus sets sail for the New World:

Years Ago

4.543 Ga

4.1 Ga

4.031 Ga

3.8 Ga

3.456 Ga

2.45 Ga

508 Ma

470 Ma

252 Ma

243-233 Ma

66 Ma

Calendar Date

January 1st

February 4

February 10 

February 28

March 27th (near 1st day of Spring)

July 16th

November 19th

November 22nd

December 9th

December 10-11th

Dec 24th

Dec 31st between 4 AM and 11 AM

Dec 31st 11:40 PM

Dec 31st at 35 seconds to midnight

Dec 31st at 3.5 seconds to midnight

Revised for web format from “A Geoscience Guide to the Burgess Shale” by Murray Coppold and Wayne Powell, © The Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation. To purchase this book, please go to: the Yoho National Park Visitors Centre, Alpine Book Peddlers,, or

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