Habelia optata fossil reconstruction (Joanna Liang / Royal Ontario
Habelia optata reconstruction (Joanna Liang / Royal Ontario Museum)

Habelia optata – The Cambrian arthropod with a ‘Jacknife’ head

Until recently, paleontologist have had difficulty deciding where the Habeliida taxa belonged on the tree of life. A recent re-description of the arthropod habelia optata places the Habeliida next to the Chelicerata. Horseshoe crabs, sea spiders, scorpions and spiders are all Chelicerates.

Tree of life showing the relationship between Arthropods (Cedric Aria)
Tree of life showing the relationship between Arthropods (Cedric Aria)
For more information about the re-description of Habelia optata consult the CBC’s article:
Or read the academic paper:

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